Friday, January 28, 2011

La primera comida... (The first meal...)

So since the development of the list, things have ALREADY seemed to have stalled.  With holidays came travel to Perth and the Gold Coast which severely halted goals #2 and #11.  However, having 6 GLORIOUS weeks off has meant progress has been made on three of the goals already!  Hooray!

Firstly, documenting courses each week...  With three days of careful couch positioning, marathons of NCIS, Hellcats, Nurse Jackie and anything else I could really get my hands on, VOILA!!!  Courses for Year 11 and 12 Accounting documented for the next 6 months (excepting an accurate time frame of course).  Hopefully that will make for a far less manic time this semester as I feel I have bitten off more than I can chew right now with Year 9 Connections, Humanities and PTL.  Ahh well, we'll soon find out if I'm tough enough!

This also takes me to another goal - getting published 3 times.  Sending an email off to the head of VCTA (Victorian Commercial Teacher's Association), I am due to be published in issue 2 of our journal, Compak.  WHEEEEE!!!  Just some quiz I made for revision for the kids but hopefully it will help other teachers as well.  On the upside, to those who are teachers, get your activities published as they give you all sorts of goodies.  VCTA knows the way to my heart and I'm looking forward to a snazzy little gift card being in my pigeonhole at work soon!

Lastly, the first of the dinners was held last night with roaring success.  While Mamasita was initially on the cards, the immense success of the "Dinner Club" idea meant they couldn't actually physically fit us all in!!!  So with some quick ring arounds, Mexicali Rose was decided upon...

Mexicali Rose, home to the amazing blue chicken enchilada (named after the colour the corn takes) and my favourite (for the fact they get the same reaction - "Oh, they're not hot.  Oh wait...."), the Volcano Nachos which Jordan and I braved and survived (with a little lip burning, nose running and sweating thanks to Blair's Ultra Death hot sauce...mmmm).

On a busy Friday night, it was greeted by this motley crew (better pics to come soon...)

A BIIIGGG thanks to all those who could come and hoping to see more faces at the next event!  Was great to have people from work meeting some older friends from band, high school, basketball and even primary school and there were laughs all round.

As they would say at Mexicali Rose...

"Gracias por venir. ¡VĂ©ale en el acontecimiento siguiente!"
(Thank you for coming.  See you at the next event!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The fateful list is formed...

The end result of a few days thinking (and a reaffirming late-night tea date with V-Den and Haughes) can now be witnessed below.  Here are the 11 goals for 2011.

1. Travel somewhere I haven't been.  (Let's face facts, saying I've achieved this goal with a visit to Dingley Shopping Centre wouldn't cut it so the destination must be overseas.)

2. Continue with the weight loss to reach a new magic number.  (The number will be revealed to the general public if and when I ever reach it!  Relax, Kate.  It will be done in a much more healthy way than liquid diets and carb-cutting that occurred in 2010!)

3. Perform on stage at a regular singing gig.  (This one involves assistance from the ever-trusty J-Tag.)

4. Document my courses every week.  (Something that I have endeavoured to do every year since starting teaching and have done, but not in the level of detail that actually helps me the following year.)

5. Run the Mother's Day Classic.  (Probably the most daunting goal for me.  Running in my mind is the most boring thing on Earth.  Hopefully that will change by May!)

6. Work smarter, not harder - "Don't try to do everything!"  (Given to me as a piece of advice from Mumma Foulds at work after a frazzling week of chaos.  Hard to document and evidence but I'm sure I'll find a way.)

7. Record my favourite songs and load to my iPod.  (Might sound wanky, but after spending a significant amount of time playing music, I have realised I hardly have any recordings to show for it - bar two recordings of trumpet from 2003.  I want something to show the grandkids...)

8. Host a monthly restaurant night with old friends including Hopfbrauhaus, Breizoz, Mamasita etc.  (Something Kateo and I constantly talk about but somehow never do.  Time to enjoy the fine dining Melbourne has to offer!)

9. Find a band to play trumpet in.  (A goal since approximately 2005 after a year off.  I am still seeking a band that makes me happy but doesn't drain time.)

10. Get published in VCTA 3 times and present at Comview.  (A goal further being developed off the back of publications in 2010.  Would like to expand my professional input as well as show other teachers how to teach kids in their language and style.)

11. Have $35,000 in the bank by 31/12/11.  (After travel, luxurious lifestyle etc., this is the beginnings of grown up Eloise.  Wanting to save for a house Eloise.  You can see with all of the above, this may well be the hardest one!)

A resolution not to make resolutions...

After a rather quiet and food-riddled evening on New Year's Eve and after the obligatory sparklers and party poppers had well and truly sparkled and popped, talk always seems to venture into familiar territory.  "What are your resolutions?"  Ugh.  I personally hate resolutions.  They imply that something will be RESOLVED.  I don't need to fix anything, I just want to set some targets.  Those of you who know me from work or outside will know I am a woman who is about lists.  To do lists, pros and cons lists, shopping lists etc.  But do I really want a list of resolutions?  I don't think I hate the idea, more just the word.  So instead, I'll go with goals.

First of all, there is a difference between goals and resolutions and these are NOT New Year's resolutions.  Most people have resolutions to quit smoking, be thinner, be happier.  Many of these are tough to measure and not SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Realistic, Timebound). 

Therefore, 11 goals were set in the early beginnings of 2011.  It doesn't matter when they are achieved or even if they are achieved.  What matters is that steps towards achievement occurs.  Yes, I know, some are not SMART.  But according to my little Google search, "Goals are dreams with deadlines."  So I can dream just a little!

This blog will track the progress of goals throughout the year with evidence of achievement (and perhaps some failures along the way).  Some goals are easier than others to both evidence and achieve, but here goes nothing!