Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The fateful list is formed...

The end result of a few days thinking (and a reaffirming late-night tea date with V-Den and Haughes) can now be witnessed below.  Here are the 11 goals for 2011.

1. Travel somewhere I haven't been.  (Let's face facts, saying I've achieved this goal with a visit to Dingley Shopping Centre wouldn't cut it so the destination must be overseas.)

2. Continue with the weight loss to reach a new magic number.  (The number will be revealed to the general public if and when I ever reach it!  Relax, Kate.  It will be done in a much more healthy way than liquid diets and carb-cutting that occurred in 2010!)

3. Perform on stage at a regular singing gig.  (This one involves assistance from the ever-trusty J-Tag.)

4. Document my courses every week.  (Something that I have endeavoured to do every year since starting teaching and have done, but not in the level of detail that actually helps me the following year.)

5. Run the Mother's Day Classic.  (Probably the most daunting goal for me.  Running in my mind is the most boring thing on Earth.  Hopefully that will change by May!)

6. Work smarter, not harder - "Don't try to do everything!"  (Given to me as a piece of advice from Mumma Foulds at work after a frazzling week of chaos.  Hard to document and evidence but I'm sure I'll find a way.)

7. Record my favourite songs and load to my iPod.  (Might sound wanky, but after spending a significant amount of time playing music, I have realised I hardly have any recordings to show for it - bar two recordings of trumpet from 2003.  I want something to show the grandkids...)

8. Host a monthly restaurant night with old friends including Hopfbrauhaus, Breizoz, Mamasita etc.  (Something Kateo and I constantly talk about but somehow never do.  Time to enjoy the fine dining Melbourne has to offer!)

9. Find a band to play trumpet in.  (A goal since approximately 2005 after a year off.  I am still seeking a band that makes me happy but doesn't drain time.)

10. Get published in VCTA 3 times and present at Comview.  (A goal further being developed off the back of publications in 2010.  Would like to expand my professional input as well as show other teachers how to teach kids in their language and style.)

11. Have $35,000 in the bank by 31/12/11.  (After travel, luxurious lifestyle etc., this is the beginnings of grown up Eloise.  Wanting to save for a house Eloise.  You can see with all of the above, this may well be the hardest one!)


  1. An awesome way to kick off 2011!! Great goals, will be following you all the way :-) XX
