So when we last left, muz and I had well and truly outdone ourselves in the heat. They next day saw us having re-braved the heat in the afternoon to see Angkor Wat. An absolutely spectacular temple that was so intact it wasn't funny! Retired that night with a foot massage for half an hour...$4. Winner!
The temple of Angkor Wat - the symbol of Cambodia. Absolutely stunning!
The view from the 3rd tier of Angkor Wat looking over the temple and nearby complex.
Mum and I (and thousands of New Year's pilgrims) outside Angkor Wat!
The next morning saw another early start to beat the heat as we visited the King's Swimming Pool (where the local kids selling origami fish, dragonflies etc. pretty much mobbed us) before going to see the 1,000 Linga Waterfall. Little did we know it was a 1.5km hike. Up a mountain. A very rocky mountain. To see virtually NO WATERFALL as it is dry season! Ahhh well, there were some interesting carvings etc. up there.
After that little adventure, we visited Banteay Srei, the women's temple. This temple was very different as it was carved from pink sandstone (hence the different colouring) and most of the carving is still intact. Another incredible temple but once again, incredible for different reasons!
The beautifully carved temple of Banteay Srei.
After that, we were meant to go to Tha Prom aka the tree temple but given the severe heat (and cases of suspected heat stroke we both had), we decided to be lazy and head back for some relaxing at the hotel. That night, we hit the markets of Siem Reap once again before relaxing over a drink or two on Pub St. (where we had some amazing nutella and cashew crepes!!!).
The infamous Pub St - home to happy hour 24 hours a day in Siem Reap.
Relaxing with a Banana Bling on Pub St - note the very sexy sunburnt nose and lack of makeup... That white shirt features very prominently the next few days given the lack of washing since leaving Melbourne...
Unfortunately, my nutella and cashew crepes did not like me as much as I liked them leading to a very seedy start to Monday. I had joked about a stomach parasite but it now seemed my wishes (however sarcastic) had come true. After feeding the parasite some breakfast, we headed to Tha Prom to see where (most famously), some scenes from Tomb Raider were filmed. You can definitely see why once you get there as you are truly greeted with something other-worldy. Trees grow through the temple walls and not even the group of loud Japanese tourists could fully disturb the wildlife sounds permeating the jungle around. Beautiful.
Just one of the amazing sights at Tha Prom temple.
Croft. Lara Croft. (I blame this on parasite psychosis...)
That afternoon, we headed to Ton Le Sap, the major lake near Siem Reap. Here, many people live on houseboats (well, structures floating on plastic bottles and bamboo more often than not). This area was amazing as you can see floating restaurants, pubs (with pool tables that rise and fall with the ebb of the water), schools, markets and shops. As you float around, kids come up to the boats offering photos with their pet pythons, food, various other items. You often wonder however what their parents are thinking when they let their kids float around in their rice pots for boats - too cute but a little scary to see essentially toddlers doing this!
The floating primary school on Ton Le Sap.
As it was our last night in Siem Reap, we decided to lash out and finally cave in to the continual calls of 'fish massage laydee?'. Dr. Fish as they are known are definitely one of the weirder things I have seen in my travels and I was definitely not too keen on throwing the old clodhoppers into a pool of stinky fish. However, the lure of a free beer if I did pandered to my macho side (can women have a macho side?) and I soon caved... VERY WEIRD!!! After that, did some more shopping before a late night manicure and bed for an early flight. Goodbye Siem Reap - it was great fun!!!
As the ads say, Dr. Fish make you 'funny AND happy'!
My feet being attacked by Dr. Fish!!! Those little buggers could sure latch on!!!
The next morning saw and early morning flight on Lao Airlines. Being the AMAZING flyer I am, I was extremely impressed to learn I would not only have to get on a tiny plane, but also fly it twice as we were stopping in Pakse. Upon asking Meg where Pakse was, my overactive mind was not so pleased to hear 'I have no clue!' Oh God, I'm going to die... Then in a moment of wisdom (probably thanks to Vanessa asking me to check on Air Namibia), I decide to look up the Skytrax rating for Lao Airlines. For those that don't know, Skytrax is an independent body that assess the quality of service and safety. I have flown nothing less that 2-star (Olympic) and am already packing myself with thoughts of flying a 1-star (the only one in the world...Koryo - the North Korean airline).
So of course, what is Lao Airlines rated? Ahh, that's right, it ISN'T. SHIT. This is why I look this happy getting on the plane.
Lao Airlines - not rated since 1998.
Looking impressed - decided this was the last photo that they could have used in the news reports reporting my death...
In actual fact, Lao Airlines were fantastic and I'm sure if they applied, they would definitely beat some other airlines I've flown - Olympic, I'm talking about you!!!
So after that little adventure, we arrived to our amazing 1930s French colonial hotel in downtown Vientiane in Laos. After a quick sleep, we headed out to explore. 'Bustling' is not a word you would use to freely describe Vientiane but it has a great atmosphere. There is a real blend of cultures with obvious French, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese influences (all neighbouring countries). In true Haynes girl style, we managed to find the best ice cream parlour to far - of all things...Swensen's.
Check out just a few pages of the menus at Swensen's!!! YUM!!!
Today we went for a walk around Vientiane before hiring a tuk tuk and exploring the outer areas. Will upload a new post when I get the pictures but today further cemented the view that Vientiane is certainly a quirky little city!!!
Looking forward to Easter celebrations when I return including Easter egg hunts and drinks to celebrate the coming of the bunny. Look forward to seeing you all then!!! Until then, one more day to shop and relax with a few more Beer Lao by the pool before a short hop over to Bangkok then it's homeward bound. Going to miss Asia...