Saturday, May 7, 2011

A journey to Afghanistan...pre-controversy

If you go to Google images and type the word "Afghanistan", you are going to find images like this pop up in the first page...

War, death and destruction...

Or maybe even this guy.

Some may say this is a sad reflection of a country that remains essentially closed off and mysterious to everyone except those in the armed forces, politics and dangerous contract work in building or security.  Unless you're Angelina Jolie on yet another peace keeping mission for the UN that is...  Certainly not your average holiday destination.

In fact, the only person I know that has travelled to Afghanistan is a family friend whose photos of herself travelling through the Middle East, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the 1970s as a solo female traveller clutching her handbag in each grainy photo still cracks me up.

So when the decision to include Afghan food in dinner club was announced, there was many a hesitant look with the main question being, "What the hell IS Afghan food?!"

Add this to very late notice and and an extraordinary meeting time of a Thursday night and it almost didn't look like dinner club would run.  But in true fashion, a group of 15 (impressive considering the constraints) did assemble in Dandenong on a cool night in April.

With a few new entrants of Rach Wyzga, Mya Sungkar, Whitney George, Brenton Goodall, Ola Luczak, Tara Hillyer and Richard King, dinner club was yet another roaring success.  With Shelley and I having sampled the food previously at a PL session held in Dandenong earlier in the year, we couldn't wait to dig into the food.  Not being sure people would follow suit, I asked our friend (and son of the restaurant owners) Mojtaba to prepare their best sampling of Afghan food.  He certainly did NOT disappoint!!!

Obviously a popular choice!!!

The Afghan rice - incredible.

A fan of Afghan with a carb-filled gut!!!

Kateo and Ola (another new recruit courtesy of Kate).  It's daunting to have health professionals on the guest list, but judging by the way they tucked into the oil laden curries and breads, I'm not being judged too much!!!

Crazy kids - Porrino and Haughey travel the longest and often provide the most laughs.

 The boys including 2 new recruits in Richard and Brenno.  Shooting the shit over beers...

Whizzer - one of the dinner club newbies (but I feel this will be the first of many we see her at - YAY!)

As it currently stands, the numbers of people that still qualify for the 100% attendance special prize (as yet undecided) is as follows...

1. Kate Williams
2. Matthew Read
3. Shelley Haughey
4. Jordan Coleman
5. Leyton Read

And even though not in attendance, due to her stellar performance in ensuring she was seen in photographs at the restaurant (in accordance with the rules of attendance qualifications - see evidence below...)

6. Laura Green

Attendance proven and noted in the mayor's memory bank.  Note to other participants - this is the level of dedication I LOVE TO SEE!!!  P.S. What a hottie!!!

And due to previous committments but general sucky-up-ness of text as an apology, special considerations has been granted to...

7. Tegan Williamson nee Rowlands

However, the night was not yet over...  In one of the BEST surprises I have EVER received, dinner club was graced by a very special guest whose lack of attendance at #3 (Soda Rock) was compensated, therefore putting her BACK in the running for the 100% prize goes to...

8. Vanessa Dennis

Just before desserts, mid-conversation, S. Haughey begins to screech like a banshee and tackle some poor restaurant patron.  I had absolutely no idea it was our dear friend V-Den who graced dinner club with her ridiculously tanned presence after flying from SOUTH AFRICA.  Absolutely brilliant and another fine display of dedication and support in my goals which is appreciated more than anyone will ever know.

You can still see the surprise on Shelley's face (and Steph still laughing about Shell's reaction) as we have our V-Den back in the country after 7 weeks galavanting through Africa!!!

Once again (as I say every month), a massive thank you to those who make the journey, take the time, bring their good conversations and sense of fun to try something new.  We have been lucky for great food so far and I really love showing other people different things.  I am very lucky to know people who are willing to trust me to make the decisions and as I said before, anyone who attends any dinner club is supporting my goals which are very important to me!

Dinner club #4 attendees - look at all that amazing food we have demolished!!!

A heads up for next month as we are visiting the land of weiners and weissbeer with dinner club to be held on May 27th at Hopfbrauhaus.  Get your drinking and dancing shoes on!!!


1 comment:

  1. right... I will pump the 8 of them!!!! thats my prize!!! But i'm not a competitive person I promise!!!!
