Saturday, June 4, 2011

Working Smarter...Not Harder

After an all in all CRAP week (don't worry, we all have them around this time of year as teachers I think - J. Rankine experienced this earlier in the week, S. Haughey the week before, A. Wickerson the week before that), I was craving the weekend.

With a well-needed 'wine time' and 'Fish n' Chip Friday' being combined last night followed by a sleep that hasn't been seen by this poor body of mine in a good week/two weeks, I was motivated to begin a process dreaded by teachers all around the world.

As any teacher's Facebook page will tell you at the moment, we are not alone.  Countless status updates using the key phrases 'procrastination', 'avoiding' as well as general overuse of the phrases 'FML' or 'ughhh' tell you two things are approaching....

1) Exams
2) Reports

Whilst many of us would love to be curling up under our blankets with a good book or enjoying the crisp but clear winter's days of Melbourne before it all turns to shit, most teachers currently look like this (add in a Department of Education provided laptop for full effect)...

Slumped over a laptop until your back hurts and eyes can't focus?  Don't worry, you're just a teacher at report time.

HOWEVER, with a goal to 'work smarter, not harder', I decided to not do what many do and leave it to the last minute.  Instead, I have a mini goal - GET THESE FUCKING REPORTS FINISHED BY FRIDAY!!!  Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are currently on track for 2, count them, 2 long weekends thanks to the Queen's Birthday and Correction Day.

How have I done it you ask???

One of these bad boys...

A comment database - standardising Eloise Haynes' reports since 2008.

So with comments such as "'Little Johnny' (name suppressed for obvious legal reasons) could improve with more focus on tasks during class time.", there you have it!  For those teacher's currently not using a database, get on it.  Yes, it does make them a little less personal.  However, with a little tweaking you can personalise as much as is needed. 

Plus, at the end of the day, we often write the same report 3 or 4 times in each class anyway when you look back.  I am simply following the Accounting principle of consistency...

There you have it.  With an hour spent setting up the database, what was once a half day activity to write a class of comments is now an exercise that takes an hour or less.  Thank you Accelerus.

Now if only I could find a way to mark 50 History essays that efficiently...


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