Saturday, August 27, 2011

Turning Nepalese, I Think I'm Turning Nepalese, I Really Think So!!!

Julius Caesar's grand-nephew Augustus defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra to become emperor of Rome.  In the spirit of that, the Roman senate decided that he should have a month named after him.  Thus, August was born.

Skip forward nearly 2000 years and we are celebrating this with a feast just like the Romans did.  However, this feast was less toga, more sherpa as 14 dinner clubbers trekked to the wilds of Chapel Street, Prahran to experience the delights of Nepal at Gurkha's.

Now then only facts I could tell you about Nepal include the following:

- It is the home of Everest
- The capital is Kathmandu
- Their flag is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular
- They love their yaks (apparently!)

It was with that breadth of knowledge that I decided to learn a little more and explore this fine looking country.

Fact #3 of only 4.

With one new entrant in the form of R. Salha, dinner club was full of familiar faces.  These faces were soon to be stuffed as all opted for the banquet option (thank God my friends all like food!!!)

Sampled during the evening was some of the following delicious items:

- Nepalese soup
- Momo (dumplings)
- Garlic prawns (well....I gave mine to Jordan!)
- Ginger chicken
- Goat curry
- Aloo rayo (potato and spinach)
- Potato and chick peas
- Nepalese delight
- Masala tea (like chai but less sweet due to no honey additions!)
- Nepal Ice beer ("The coolest beer in Nepal")

Want to see what all that food looks like???

S. Haughey showing us how it is done.  Nepalese style.

Another fabulous night with lots of laughs as always.  K. Williams must get mentioned here for her comment, "I think the food here was my favourite of all the dinner clubs."  Many would agree I think! 

Another MASSIVE highlight (dinner club seems to be the place for this) occurred on the night but that remains top secret to those dinner club attendees until the time when all will be revealed.  All I can say is, a MASSIVE shock (as most people around the table sat stunned for a solid 10 seconds) but so happy for it to occur...  Mysterious hey?! 

A big thank you from the mayor to all 14 attendees for the night.  As mayor, the following rules are reiterated.  In order to remain in the running for the attendance prize (becoming more than just a pipe dream as we speak!), one of the following must occur...

1. Souvenier name tag must be kept and shown as proof of attendance to the mayor.
2. Photographic evidence of attendance must be available.
3. All dinner clubbers overseas at the time of dinner club must submit their apologies well in advance.  Being skyped in to the event is encouraged at this point to maintain face at future dinner club events.

NOTE: Being included in a Facebook check-in is NOT proof of attendance due to potential forgery...

With that, the following people are still in the running...

1. K. Williams
2. J. Coleman
3. L. Read
4. S. Haughey
5. V. Dennis (special consideration granted for Soda Rock due to overseas do-gooding committments)

With that, another successful night ended.  Here are some mementos of another wonderful evening that is one of the most fun ways to achieve goals I think you could ever have.

The Mayor and J. Coleman with big grins due to overeating!!!

Recently returned B. Goodall looking dapper in his cap! 

Can't pose for photo.  Eating.   True K. Williams style!

"Girls, I want a nice photo."  This is what CHS teachers think that means...

S. Haughey, V. Dennis and S. Porrino making up the CHS contingent for the night. 

J. Coleman mid-bite, the mayor and uni Indo buddy C. Ireland with new recruit R. Salha 

 Jetlagged B. Goodall???

Some happy peeps - must be dinner club night! 

The sign of a good meal is a massive stack of dirty, empty plates... :) 

The month that was August.  What a good looking bunch!

Next month sees a return to Europe with the club moving to the land of crumbling infrastructure, fruiterers, everything ending in "opolis" and the humble souvlaki - Greece.  OPA!

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. Gutted I missed out Miss Haynes! Looked like you had a blast. I want some nepalese stuff! Love the tenious link at the beginning, hilarious. Miss you!! XXX
